Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Ancient Aliens Megazord, part three

Moving along to the two I did this morning! Onwards!

The cow's pretty simple. The only issue was getting the layering of it all right, and the relative sizes of the parts... actually, scratch that, it wasn't simple. In case it's not clear, the front legs are closer together than the back legs, and a lot of the underside of the cow is hollow space. To transform it into a leg, fold the head upwards, flip the ears down, fold the front legs back into the chest and the back legs forward so the hooves fit in the hollow shoulders, flip the tail forward, pull the connector bit outwards out of its rump, and rotate the bell backwards onto the heel. Originally the tail went underneath but that would have interfered with the connection point. I'm pleased I managed to find a practical use for the bell. I might have to work on drawing cow heads, though, it looks kind of dog-like. My original plan was to have this in yellow and the satellite in pink, but it looks good this way round. Speaking of which-

The satellite forgoes the Nasca line details, since it's a machine of unspeculative, mainstream science, but it still has some gold/bronze detailing so it fits visually. This one really is simple. Fold the front halves of the solar panels over onto the back halves, then flip the lot down. Pull the lower half of the front telescope down and back to form the heel, then rotate the upper half up to form the foot. From the front, the foot looks hollow, because even though the telescope itself splits, the lens on the front does not. If this were an actual telescope, you wouldn't want a seamline through the middle of the lens [and you'd need a dustcap to stop it getting damaged as the sole of the foot, but hey]. Again, if this were a toy, you'd want a single translucent plastic bit for the lens to make it look good.

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